ASIA - India
Rita Kothari is Professor of Translation Studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar in Gujarat, India. She has to her credit numerous translations from Gujarati and Sindhi into English. She has published extensively on the cultural politics of translation and language identity. She is also a scholar of Partition studies, with special focus on the region of Sindh and a large part of her writing is also engaged with Gujarat and its communalised politics, literary history and questions of language. Her well known books include Translating India: The Cultural Politics of English (St.Jerome Publishing); Chutnefying English: The Phenomenon of HInglish (with Rupert Snell, Penguin India) The Burden of Refuge (Orient Blackswan) Decentring Translation Studies: India and Beyond (with Judy Wakabyashi, John Benjamin Press). Her acclaimed translations of fiction include Angaliyat: Stepchild (Oxford University Press) and Fence (Zubaan, Delhi). Kothari has translated from a vast range of genres – fiction, poetry, non-fiction. Her forthcoming translated work includes Agnipariksha: Ordeal Remembered and The Lord and Master of Gujarat (with Abhijit Kothari) and a book of essays, Multilingual Nation: Translation and Language Dynamics in India. (Oxford University Press). Kothari is the recipient of several fellowships and awards and speaks at many national and international universities.
Twitter: @KothariRita