Jessica White

PACIFIC - Australia

Jessica White

Jessica was raised in the country in New South Wales and, at age 4, contracted meningitis and lost most of her hearing. Never one to be daunted, she made her way from a primary school of 100 pupils to publishing her first novel at age 29, before graduating with a PhD from the London Consortium, University of London. Her first novel, A Curious Intimacy, was published by Penguin in 2007.  It won a Sydney Morning Herald Best Young Novelist award, was shortlisted for the Dobbie prize and the Western Australia Premier’s awards, and longlisted for the international IMPAC award.  Her second novel, Entitlement, was also published by Penguin in 2012.  Jessica’s short fiction, essays and poetry have also been published in Southerly, Island, The Review of Australia Fiction and Overland.

Twitter: @ladyredjess

By Jessica White