Read time: 1 mins

part of loving this mother is alleging 

by Chiagoziem Jideofor
16 December 2024

birthdays are usually private parties  

where my mother empties her whole heart  


one of the few occasions she cries 

prays that her entire life’s work remain unsullied 


what this work is or draws from, i’m still not sure   

but i think of ruins constantly 


scaffolding as unaided as her spite 

anger she wears like a shawl  


one time, almost cutting off my stream  

of speech when she aimed a kitchen knife at me 


sometimes, i wonder how life would have been  

if she had somehow perfected her aim, her anger  


taken control of this rain that poured heavily on her  

rain that bent her small frame into enduring 


when instead she became a mother who settled for the itch of things   

grew domestic with objects to be pickled and forgotten 


on this night of many nights, she talks about her childhood 

a story she swears began only after the war 


one where home remains a simmering stew, and aging 

implies bifurcation, a bidirectional look at the same things   


part of loving this mother is alleging  

that everyone’s mother ages backwards 


and friends are the animals howling  

laughing at my favourite jokes 

Illustrator © Chela Yego 

About the Author

Chiagoziem Jideofor

Chiagoziem Jideofor is Igbo and Queer. Her poems have appeared or are scheduled to appear in POETRY, Reunion: The Dallas Review, Obsidian, ANMLY, the minnesota review, Michigan Quarterly Review, berlin lit, Sho Poetry Journal, Variant Lit, Lincoln Review, Yaba Left Review, The Indianapolis Review, Passengers Journal, Superstition Review, Cola Literary Review,Rigorous, Spectrum Literary Journal, Untitled: […]
