Mubanga Kalimamukwento is a Zambian storyteller and a lawyer. She is the author of The Mourning Bird (Jacana Media, 2019), listed among the fifteen most notable books of 2019 by Brittle Paper. She won the Dinaane Debut Fiction Award, the Kalemba Short Story Prize, and was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2022, Bristol Short Story Prize, Bush Fellowship, Fractured Lit Flash Fiction Prize, Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, Miles Morland Scholarship and Nobrow Short Story Prize.
Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in adda, Aster(ix), Doek!, Overland, The Killens Review of Arts and Letters, The Red Rock Review, and elsewhere. Mubanga is also the fiction editor for Doek!, Associate Fiction Editor for the Water-Stone Review, Mentor at the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop and tutor at Lolwe.