Mammatli A. Molefi is a social worker, poet and creative writer. She writes for adults and children in a variety of genres, including romance, action-adventure, fantasy, thriller, horror, mystery, police procedurals, family sagas, women’s fiction and literary fiction. Her short story ‘While Still Breathing’ was published on, and her poem ‘Memories’ was included in Stacy Savage’s anthology of love poems We Are Poetry. Mammatli’s most recent creative arts participation is We Shall Overcome, a collaboration with Sudip Maiti of Kolkata, India, in the 2021 Embracing Our Differences art exhibit.
She’s a sister to an accordion rapper and three other geniuses. She’s been an actress, a voice-over artist, a construction labourer, a mediator and a tourist in Zambia, Botswana, Swaziland and South Africa. She’s a bit wild about dark chocolate. Mammatli spends her days in nature for better health and writes whenever inspiration strikes.